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RSS Feed Posts
1 min read
With the RSS feed post types, you can now use RSS feeds to generate content. For example, if you wanted to build a news website, you could look for news sites that offer RSS feeds like this one:
Or if you wanted to do a campaign based on health and fitness, you could simply search for RSS feeds in Google but keep in mind, many websites compile lists of RSS feeds and want to charge you to use them. I typically skip over these and find the ones that are free to use.
Some websites will have their RSS feed on their website. Here’s one I found with the link to their RSS feed in the footer of their website:
When you find a RSS feed you want to use, copy the URL and use that for your campaign, like this:
Then continue to setup your campaign as normal.
RSS Feeds are updated in real time when new content is available in websites so you can continue to search and find this new content and add it to your website. Create a new campaign, add your RSS feed, then choose these options and schedule it.
Note: If you run a RSS feed campaign to only check for “New Items”, the first time it runs, it will not be successful as there are no new items. Afterwards, it will check daily to see if any new items has been added.